D is for Duck Calls

The Duck Dynasty is at it again, this time mama duck is holding the reins down with her new book D is for Duck Calls. Kay Robertson, also known as Miss Kay, has written a book for children that places a unique spin to learning the alphabet. “I loved the library. I’ve always loved books. I’ve always taken my kids to the library. I’ve been in love with books since I’ve been on Earth,” said Robertson.

Each page displays a letter and relates it to the Duck Dynasty family. Robertson believes that the book ultimately represents how much her family loves each other. “I want them to learn that we aren’t perfect, that we are about loving God, our country and our family,” said Robertson. The illustrations for each letter show one or a group of the Duck Dynasty family acting out the action of the letter.

Kay Robertson

Miss Kay is known for providing unconditional love, an endless array of food on the dinner table and for always supporting her family – therefore she is no stranger to bringing families together and providing a nourishing environment for children.

Literacy is very important to the Robertson family. Miss Kay built a library, in her home, for her grandchildren because she wanted them to share her love for books and understand the importance of literature. By adding children’s author to her resume, Miss Kay can now share her love of books with her fans and their family.

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