Click on a topic below for the rules to religious etiquette:
Baby Rituals Customs & LawsDeath & Dying
Food & DietGiftsHolidaysInterfaithKids
Public Display of ReligionRites of PassageSocial Issues
TravelWeddings & MarriageWorship Services

Baby Baby Rituals

Gift etiquette for Jewish baby-naming ceremonies
Why do Jews name babies after deceased relatives?

How can I suppress my maternal instincts at a Jewish circumcision?

Should the godfather tip the priest?
Can I tell my godchild I disagree with her parents' values?
How did the godparent tradition start?
Can I godfather a child from a different denomination?
Can Jewish relatives be godparents to my Catholic baby?
Is being the sandak the Jewish equivalent to being a godparent?

customs Customs & Laws

Does bowing to a Buddha statue mean that I worship him?
Why do meditators remove their shoes?
Why do Buddhists rub statues of the Buddha?
Etiquette when interacting with a Lama

Catholic Christian
How should I address Catholic religious leaders?

Which day is the Christian Sabbath?
Orthodox house blessings

Why are odd numbers lucky?

Jehovah's Witnesses
Why don't Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate birthdays?

Why do Jews cover their heads?
Why do Jews wear prayer shawls?
Why don't some Jews touch members of the opposite sex?
Why isn't there an 'O' in 'G-d'?

death Death & Dying

How should I offer condolences to Buddhist friends?

Do I have to go up to the casket at a viewing?

Christian Science
Are funeral services optional?

Meanings of rituals and items at a Hindu funeral
How do Hindus commemorate a death?
Why do Hindus wear white to funerals?
Should I send a bereaved Hindu flowers?

Does Islam allow cremation?

Jehovah's Witnesses
Etiquette and gifts at a funeral

What food/gift item should I bring to a funeral?
What should I send to a Jewish funeral?
Do Jews always collect donations at funeral services?

Food & Diet

Are there dietary restrictions during Lent?

Jehovah's Witnesses
Do Jehovah's Witnesses eat pork?

What are the Jewish dietary laws?
What should I serve my Jewish coworkers?


What should I give my baptism sponsor?
What is the customary gift for godparents?

Bar/Bat Mitzvah
What is the customary gift for a Bat Mitzvah?
Can I bring a Bar Mitzvah gift to the synagogue?
Cash gifts: How much is appropriate?

Gift etiquette for Jewish baby-naming ceremony
Gifts for Muslim newborns

First Communion
Sacred and secular gifts for First Communion

What should I give for Christmas, Hanukkah, Rohatsu, Ramadan, Kwanzaa, and Yule?
What should I give for the Jewish New Year?


What should I give for Rohatsu presents?

Do Jews celebrate Valentine's Day?
What should I give for Christmas presents?
Is it tacky to invite non-Christians to Christmas parties?
If I'm not Christian, what should I do at a Christmas party?
Are Easter eggs pagan?
What does Good Friday mean to Hindus?

What's Diwali, and should I bring presents?

Jehovah's Witnesses
Do Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate Thanksgiving?

Valentine's Day vs. 'Heart Day'?
What is Hanukkah about?
What should I give for Hanukkah presents?
How do Jews greet each other on holidays?
What is a sukkah?
Can a non-Jew recite the Four Questions at a Passover seder?
What should I give my friends for the Jewish New Year?
What gift should I give to the hostess of a seder?

What should I give for Ramadan presents?

Ringing in the not-so-new year
What should I give for Yule presents?
What should I give for Kwanzaa presents?
Do Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate holidays?


Can I godfather a child from a different denomination?

What's the difference between kosher and halal?

Is January 1 the beginning of the new year for non-Christians?
How should a Christian greet a Jew on Hanukkah?
What's the difference between a Christian and a Hindu conception of Good Friday?
Is it disrespectful to celebrate a birthday during Easter weekend?
Can a non-Jewish child recite the Four Questions at a Passover seder?
If I'm not Christian, what should I do at a Christmas party?

Can an Episcopalian receive Communion in a Catholic church?
Should a Catholic take Communion in an Episcopalian church?

Can I listen to the sacred songs of religions that are not my own?

Do children take the religion of the mother or the father?

How do I pray at a multifaith public event?
Can I pray to a Catholic saint on behalf of a Jewish person?

How do I deal with a proselytizing coworker?
How do I keep someone from trying to convert me?
How do I avoid people giving me tracts?

Can a Presbyterian minister officiate at a wedding in a Catholic church?
What's an "unprogrammed" Quaker wedding?
Can a Jew be a bridesmaid at a Christian wedding?
Can a Presbyterian give a toast at a Unitarian wedding?
Will a Presbyterian minister officiate at a wedding of two Catholics whose previous marriages weren't annulled?

Can a Christian wear a Jewish prayer shawl?
Can non-Muslims attend Friday prayer services at a mosque?
Did my child offend worshipers by drawing pictures of Jesus in a mosque?


Should I tell my kids I think Easter eggs are pagan?
How can my child reject going to Bible camp with her friend? 

Public Display of Religion

In schools
What's wrong with invoking Allah in the classroom?

On airplanes
Why do Jews pray on flights to Israel?

Rites of Passage

Do I need to be rebaptized if I join the United Methodist Church?
Should I give my baptism sponsor a gift?

Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Can I bring a gift to the synagogue?
Why is the music always so loud?

Steps to Communion and Confirmation
What should I say to the presiding bishop?

 Social Issues

Is it OK to express my feminism in India?

What is the Muslim stance on homosexuality?
Are DKNY jeans with the Qur'an written on them offensive?

School Prayer
What's wrong with invoking Allah in the classroom?

What happened to A.D. and B.C.?
Orthodox Jewish spelling: Why no 'O' in 'G-d'?
How should I handle religious chain mail?
Advice on visiting the sick
When ethics and etiquette clash 


What should I know about religions in Africa?

What will my friend see on a pilgrimage to Hindu holy sites?
Is it OK to express my feminism in India?

United States
How can I get invited to Native American sacred ceremonies?
Follow-up on Native American ceremonies
How do I find an Amish church?

Weddings & Marriage

What should an atheist do at an Anglican wedding?

What should I give for a Baha'i wedding?

Catholic Christian
Will a Presbyterian minister officiate at a wedding of two Catholics whose previous marriages weren't annulled?

Can a Presbyterian minister officiate a wedding in a Catholic church?
Is it OK for a Jew to be a bridesmaid at a Christian wedding?

Eastern Orthodox Christian
Can I give Orthodox icons as wedding gifts to non-Orthodox Christians?

What happens at a Hindu wedding ceremony?
Can I bring a gift to a Hindu wedding ceremony? 

Worship Services

African Methodist Episcopal
What's an AME service like?

Will the Amish mind if I attend their service?

How do I meditate at a Buddhist temple?

Catholic Christian
Do I have to genuflect in a Catholic church?
Can an Episcopalian take communion in a Catholic church?
Should a Catholic take communion in an Episcopalian church?
Should the godfather tip the priest at a baby-naming ceremony?
How to behave at a Roman Catholic Mass

Do I have to contribute to the collection plate?
What should I expect from a gay and lesbian church service?
How can I stop cell phones from going off in church?

Eastern Orthodox Christian
Why do Orthodox Christians cross themselves differently?
How should I respond to the greeting 'Christ is in our midst'?
Why do Orthodox Christians burn incense in church?

Ethical Culture
What happens at an Ethical Culture platform?

What happens in a Hindu temple?
Customs and manners in a Hindu temple

Greek Orthodox
Do I have to follow rituals/prayers in church if I am of a different faith?

Is a Jewish house of worship called a temple or a synagogue?

Do I need to wash during a Sufi service?
Can non-Muslims attend Friday prayer services at a mosque?
What should I wear to a mosque?
Can I wear shoes in a mosque?
Can women wear slack/pants in a mosque?

Why do Pentecostal Christians speak in tongues?

What's an "unprogrammed" Quaker wedding?
What happens at Quaker meetings?

Seventh-day Adventist
Why do they observe the Sabbath on Saturday?

Can I ask for a discount on Shaker furniture?

What happens in a Wiccan service?

Am I automatically invited to the wedding reception?

How long do Methodist weddings last?

Do Mormons believe in polygamy?

Is it OK to mention God in the wedding toast?

Did my child offend worshipers by drawing pictures of Jesus in a mosque?

Can a non-Jewish kid recite the Four Questions at a Passover seder?

Do children take the religion of the mother or father?

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