In Judaism, gratitude is a vital component of worship and permeates every aspect of the worshiper's daily life. In the Hebrew Scriptures, the poetry of the Psalms is saturated with thanksgiving to God: "O LORD my God, I will give thanks to you forever "(30:12) and "I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart "(9:1).
The day starts with the Shema, which begins: "You shall
love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your
soul, and with all your might "(Deuteronomy 6:5). The
concluding prayer, the 'alenu, thanks God for the particular
destiny of the Jewish people.
Thankfulness for everything is appropriate in Judaism
because all things come from God in the Hebrew world view; therefore, Jewish life is filled with this recognition. A prayer is said upon hearing good or bad news, and God is praised for everything. In this way,a divine perspective on life is maintained.
Gratitude has always been central among Christian virtues
and appears in classical and modern devotional writings as
well as in the Old and New Testaments. In Christian gratitude, God is the giver of all gifts and the ultimate foundation for thankfulness. There is a feeling of indebtedness to the Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer. God 's generosity provides the model for how Christians are to deal with their
own children and with each other.
Jonathan Edwards, the 17-century revivalist
preacher and theologian, described two types of gratitude in
his classic work, "A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections." He
described these two types as natural gratitude and as a gracious or spiritual gratitude. Natural gratitude is thanks expressed to God for the benefits a person has received, whereas gracious gratitude has its source in the knowledge of the goodness of God independent of favors received.
Emanuel Swedenborg explained that angels in heaven perceived the gratefulness of worshipers as the sweet odor of incense, such as frankincense, and that this was received as prayer. This is also called the "prayer of saints "and explains the meaning of the passage, "Let my prayer be counted as incense before you "(Psalm 141:2).
In response to questions from Pharisees about the greatest commandment, Jesus replied: "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as
yourself.' On these two commandments hang all the law and
the prophets " (Matthew 22:37-40). These statements indicate both gratitude to our Creator and thankfulness to others demonstrated by our loving actions toward them.
The Holy Koran,which is divided into chapters called suras,
repeatedly asserts the necessity for gratitude and thankfulness to God. For example, in Sura Fourteen it is written: "If you are grateful, I will give you more "(14:7). A traditional Islamic saying states, "The first who will be summoned to paradise are those who have praised God in every circumstance." The prophet Muhammad also said, "Gratitude for the abundance you have received is the best insurance that the abundance will continue." True gratitude, it is taught, draws more abundant graces upon the believer.
The performance of the daily Islamic prayers is considered to be one of the "pillars " of the religion. The essence of the prayer is not to ask nor petition God, but to show everlasting praise and adoration to God for life and mercy.
Another pillar of Islam is fasting during the month of
Ramadan. This period is intended to lead believers to a state
of gratitude. "He wants you to complete the prescribed
period and glorify him that He has guided you, and perchance
ye shall be grateful "(Koran,2:185).
In Sufism, the mystical tradition of Islam, entire book
chapters have been devoted to developing gratitude.
Different stages of gratitude are explained: the first is
gratitude for the gifts received from God, as we would be
grateful for any gift; a higher state is attained when one
becomes grateful for not receiving gifts or for being
delayed in having a hope fulfilled. In this state one sees the
blessings that are veiled in affliction. The final state of
gratitude is recognizing that no amount of worship is
sufficient to express gratitude to the Creator and that even
feelings of gratitude are a gift from God. There is gratitude
for the capacity to feel grateful.