

Audio used by permission of www.613.org
This traditional melody speaks of the military and spiritual victory of the Maccabees, and expresses a yearning for the ultimate redemption to come. Though this recording is exclusively in Hebrew, it often is sung in English as well, using the translation below. It is often sung in rounds.

Selected lyrics and translation


Mi yimalel givurot Yisrael
Otan mi yimne
Hen b'khol dor yakum hagibor
Goel ha-am.

Shma! Ba-yamim ha'hem ba'zman ha'zeh.
Macabim moshia u'phodeh
U'vyameinu kol Am Yisrael
Yitakhed yakum lehigael.

Who can retell the things that befell us?
Who can count them?
In every age, a hero or sage
Arose to our aid.

Hark! In days of yore in Israel's ancient land
Brave Maccabeus led the faithful band
But now all Israel must as one arise
Redeem itself through deed and sacrifice.

(Translation reprinted from Rockaway Township Free Public Library homepage)

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