Fitting In Is Overrated
When it comes to the pain of being an outsider in family, school, work, and group situations, I’ve heard hundreds of exquisite stories of people who hung in there and kept responding with integrity and compassion, even when they were surrounded by family members who were hurtful or insensitive. In many of these real-life family conflicts, there came a moment when the judgmental family member finally looked into the eyes of the compassionate outsider and said, “You’re really something special. I didn’t understand for a long time why you were doing what you were doing. But now I see you had good reasons to stand apart and to become the remarkable person you’ve become.” I can’t guarantee those moments will happen in each family, but I can assure you that only by staying healthy and patient will you be available for that unforgettable moment when your family finally appreciates who you are.
Leonard Felder, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist and award-winning writer of 11 books that have sold over 1 million copies. This is adapted from his latest book, Fitting In Is Overrated (Sterling, 2008). For more information, visit