
Honor Your Inner Radiance

Tame the insidious voices that make you feel worthless or small and celebrate your own magnificence every day.

By Patricia Spadaro

The biggest roadblock to success in life is self-doubt. Doubt makes you susceptible to the critical voices--inside and out--that whisper negative affirmations such as, “I am not worthy, good enough, or capable enough to achieve my dreams.”

Don't let doubt stop you in your tracks. To keep doubts and doubters at bay, learn to celebrate the magnificent, shining part of you--even when life's storms momentarily eclipse its brilliance. Here are eight simple, but powerful, strategies to help you honor your inner radiance and keep voting for yourself--no matter what is happening around you.

 Read the first tip on how to celebrate yourself.

Author Patricia Spadaro adapted this from her book Honor Yourself: The Inner Art of Giving and Receiving (Three Wings Press, 2009). For more information, visit www.PracticalSpirituality.info.

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