Keep her up to date
"Feel free to tell me about your sadness, pain, and hurt. I want to be there for you. BUT — don’t forget to let me know how things work out. Don’t leave me hanging.”
Moms give, give, and give, but it takes it out of them, and nothing empties the smile from a Mom’s heart more than to know that her child is hurting. Don’t avoid communicating with Mom when things are going badly (she’ll probably guess something is up, anyway), but don’t leave her in a state of worry.
This is why it’s important to communicate often, and regularly, so that every call isn’t one of panic, every text one of angst. Whether they stay at home or work in an office, Mothers love. That’s their primary job. And while they’re human, and mess up, they do their best to be patient and kind, always protecting, always trusting, always hoping, always persevering (1 Corinthians 13: 4, 7).
Mother’s Day is an opportunity to say, “Thanks, Mom.”