  • The Mother of All Sins
    Many world religions say greed is the stuff the other deadly sins are made of.
    By Phyllis Tickle
  • How Greedy Are You?
    Take this quiz to find out.
  • Multifaith Greed Guide
    What does your faith say about greed?
  •   Gluttony
  • Muscular Gluttony
    Gluttony is about more than overeating--for me, it's about too much exercise.
    By John D. Spalding
  • Are You a Glutton?
    Take this quiz to find out.
  • Multifaith Gluttony Guide
    Does your faith prohibit gluttony?
  •   Envy
  • The Key to My Success
    A bestselling writer says it was her competitive spirit that made her career.
    By Debra Dickerson
  • How Envious Are You?
    Take this quiz to find out.
  • Multifaith Envy Guide
    Does your faith look favorably on envy?
  •   Sloth
  • Look Where Hard Work Got Us
    The whole point of being industrious is to create leisure, isn't it?
    By Steven Waldman
  • How Slothful Are You?
    Take this quiz to find out.
  • Multifaith Sloth Guide
    Is sloth a sin in your faith?
  •   Pride
  • The Anti-Self-Esteem
    Instilling pride in our children is meant to make them stable people. But humility works even better.
    By Frederica Mathewes-Green
  • Are You Guilty of Pride?
    Take this quiz to find out.
  • Multifaith Pride Guide
    What does your faith say about pride?
  •   Lust
  • Making the Most of Lust
    There's nothing wrong with lust that a little matrimony won't cure.
    By Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
  • Are You Lustful?
    Take this quiz to find out.
  • Multifaith Lust Guide
    What does your faith say about lust?
  •   Wrath
  • If God Smites, Why Can't We?
    How the Old Testament God had a change of heart.
    By Jack Miles
  • Are You Wrathful?
    Take this quiz to find out.
  • Multifaith Wrath Guide
    What does your faith say about wrath?
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