Scientist Dr. David Dosa wrote a book entitled “Making Rounds With Oscar: The Extraordinary Gift of an Ordinary Cat.” Oscar is a resident of a nursing home who has the uncanny ability to know when someone is about to die and curls up next to them as they pass over. Oscar brought comfort to the families because they knew their loved ones wouldn’t die alone.

If a cat is there to comfort a person as they pass over imagine how quickly the angels appear!

Oscar instinctually knew when I person was getting ready to leave their body. If we expand our awareness we can feel the presence of angels and deepen our connection with the divine.

Just for toady know you are surrounded by angels and that you CAN feel their loving presence. See what happens, I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised.

With love and aloha,

Angels are everywhere just open your mind and your heart to the signs.

Make Angels on Your Shoulder part of your daily routine and share it with a friend!

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