No Chattering Mind post has inspired as much mail as my inquiry into how folks are ending their spiritual correspondence. What follows is a list of all the marvelous ways people are ending emails and letters to their fellows on the path. “Blessings,” and all its variations seem to be the most popular substitutes for “Yours Truly.”

Here are all of your favorites.

Blessings always,
Blessed be,
Brightest blessings,
Many blessings,
Stay blessed,
Grace and blessings on your path,
Radiant Silence,
Love and light,
Love and blessings,
Wishing you love, light, and blessings always,
Deep bows,
Gassho (Peace and all good things to you,
May this day offer you just what you need in each unfolding moment,
God is with you!)
As always,
Love, peace, and happiness,
Walk in light,
In Christian love for (healing, praise, honor glory, peace, mercy, etc.),
Sincerely with the Grace of God,
With you always,
Love and laughter,
Hope all is well in your world,
Love, love, and more love,
Love, hugs, kisses, and may God be with us,
Wishing you all good things,
Harm none,
Live Well,
Peace, love, joy,
Take good care,
Know that u r loved!
In His grip,
Watching God work,
Cheerfully in Christ,
God be with you,
As ever and truly,
Only by Grace,
Love and hugs and prayers,
Grace abounds,
Be God’s,
Yours in meditation,
In Jesus’s love, until He comes,
In gratitude,
May your day be filled with peace,
Wishing you joy and sunshine,
With thoughts and prayers,
Magic always,
Celebrate life!
With all that I am,
May God keep you in his warm and comforting embrace,
You are in my heart,

I know you will find a new way to sign your own letters from this wonderful list. Blessings and thanks to those who who wrote in!

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