Today is the day all believers honor the birth of the prophet, Isa AS, son of Mariam, whose virgin birth is narrated in the Qur’an (19:17-21). And the light shineth in the darkness; and the darkness apprehended it not. — John 1:5 And in their footsteps We sent Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the…

This week is a truly portentous one for Muslims, Jews, and Catholics. In one week, we have Yom Kippur, the Day of Arafat and Eid ul Adha, and Pope Francis’ first visit to the United States. I like the term “Abrahamic Convergence” for this sort of thing – it emphasizes the commonality of themes in…

It is Christmas Eve, and it is time to put the Christ back in Christmas. The title “Christ” is derived from a greek word, Khristos, which means “to anoint” – anointing being the process of pouring perfume, oil or water over a person to signify their spiritual elevation, and is common to many religions. Christians…

Pope Francis has sent a message of goodwill to Muslims worldwide. The text is available in multiple languages including French and Arabic on the Vatican website. Unfortunately, some Muslims tend to view this sort of gesture in a cynical way. They forget that in Islam, there is a religious basis for interfaith outreach such as…

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