Today is the day of the Great American Eclipse, and I found it interesting to make not of two verses in the Qur’an that seem to be directly relevant. The first is: It is not allowable for the sun to reach the moon, nor does the night overtake the day, but each, in an orbit,…

The tragedy in Orlando is a harsh return to reality from the fantasy escape of the Muhammad Ali funeral. CAIR Florida launched a donation page at LaunchGood for the victims’ families: Muslim scholars have expressed sorrow and condemnation – Omar Suleiman: ‪#‎Orlando‬ Senseless. Barbaric. Despicable. As the shouting wars begin on television and social media,…

Once again, it is time to tweet the Qur’an! here are the guidelines, via Hussein Rashid, (@islamoyankee) the perennial organizer and founder of this wonderful initiative: Anyone is welcome. You do not have to be Muslim. The point is to provide greater access to the Qur’an, so please tweet in English, regardless of the language…

This is a popular graphic that makes the ruonds on Facebook from time to time, so I thought I’d publish it here for reference. These five verses are among the most common ones that Islamophobes use to justify arguments that Muslims are evil robots running some operating system “Quran 1400”. The specific verses here are:…

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