Doing Life Together

Have you ever made a mistake but had trouble admitting it? Marital arts guru, Bruce Lee, once said, “Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.” In other words, mistakes will happen, but be smart and learn from them. If you don’t, you will pay for those mistakes. Too many of…

Debbie was tired of feeling disconnected in her church. She tried to befriend people but something was missing. She loved God but her church experience fell flat. What she didn’t know was that a simple move could change her life and  build positive emotions such as trust, love and acceptance. Here is how. Positive emotions…

Lots of flowers and cards will be sent to moms this weekend. Rightfully so. They deserve to be celebrated. Mother’s Day causes us to reflect on our relationship with our mom, especially if you are an adult daughter. It doesn’t seem to matter if the relationship is great, terrible, or somewhere in between, all daughters…

Do you expect good things to happen in your life? What about in your relationships? How often do you talk about relationship expectations? Expectations make a difference. When they are positive and reasonable, they help a relationship grow. When expectations are unknown, problems occur. And when relationship expectations aren’t met, even more problems develop. But…

Most of us have heard of the term PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder). It is a mental health disorder tied to a specific trauma or stressor that results in chronic symptoms that usually require treatment. PTSD is common in people who experience combat, natural disasters, shootings, abuse and more. Due to the symptoms of PTSD, the…

A new book is getting a lot of attention discussing cell phone use and social media as they contribute to the rising mental health crisis. Yes, those are significant factors and need discussion and guidelines for use. But an overlooked factor has been brought to our attention by a Harvard professor of epidemiology, Dr. Tyler…

You had a crummy day. Not much went right and you are exhausted. You find yourself in a Grinch mood. As a result, the rest of the day is spent complaining and venting. In today’s world, people make a living out of complaining and venting. Just take a look at social media or watch the…

Ann came to see me. She was a bit of a puzzle. She seemed to have it all-a good marriage, two healthy children, the respect of her community and good friends. Yet, she was sad. As we dug deeper into her story that didn’t seem to make sense, she said something revealing, “I’m sad. My…

Maddie was given a huge compliment by her boss, but within minutes she doubted he was sincere. Her first thought was to work harder and continue to prove herself. Do you ever feel like Maddie? Despite your accomplishments and efforts, you worry you might be a fraud. Or do you feel that you don’t fit…

He walks into the room. You immediately notice. Something about him draws you. He pulls you into conversation and commands the attention of the people around you. You walk away and think, “I like him and enjoyed his company.” That person exudes charm! The question is, are you born with charm? Do you have it or not? Is…

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