betrayal 1Betrayal cuts deep. A husband cheats, a daughter lies, a friend goes behind your back…Your heart is broken!

Jesus knew the heartbreak of betrayal when he watched his beloved disciples turn against him. Judas gave Him over to his enemies for money. Peter denied Him for fear of retaliation. Those who loved Jesus also betrayed Him. Yet, Jesus in his mercy and grace chose to forgive. The betrayers didn’t deserve it, but that was the point. Grace gives what isn’t deserved. It’s not about being right. It’s about doing right!

Jesus could fight back. He could prove He was right. At his disposal were 10,000 angels ready to rescue Him from a death he did not deserve. He could call down an army, wipe out those who came against Him, and win an immediate victory. He could show them how right He was. He could get angry, call foul play, retaliate and seek revenge.

What did He ever do to deserve such treatment? Who could blame Him if he reacted this way? He could prove his point. Retaliation and vengeance were tempting. Jesus could flex those powerful spiritual muscles and take down the oppressors. He could rightly put people in their places and show them who was in charge. He could win the argument and be right.

No angels or armies were called from heaven. The decision to do right ended in dying alone. There He was, wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities and the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, meaning the punishment that brought us peace was on Him. Because of his response, our reconciliation to God is now possible.

Jesus’ decision to forgo being right was made out of sacrificial love. Jesus gave up his right to be right.

Instead, He chose to do right.

What an incredible challenge. Do we choose to do right or do what we do because we are right?


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