Letting Go of WorryBODY:

Check for physical tension.

Do you have any of the physical signs of anxiety such as a racing or pounding heart, sweaty palms, difficulty breathing, stomach upset, frequent urination or diarrhea, muscle tension, headaches, fatigue or insomnia?

Be aware of your body and the physical sensations that creep in with stress, anxiety, fear and worry.


List your concerns—those things that bother you and could potentially become areas of worry. Ask yourself:

Is this a concern or has it turned in to a worry?

Is this concern something that is in or out of my control?

If in my control, what am I doing about this concern?

If not in my control, can I allow it to be without worrying?

Your goal is to empty this list.



Take your concerns to God. Meditate on Deuteronomy 31:8

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

Are you able to lay worry down at the foot of the cross? Or do you carry it with you?

Worry is released when we trust God and do not doubt.


NOTE: If you feel you have excessive worry to the point that it interferes with your every day living, consider seeing a mental health therapist trained in treating anxiety disorders. An evaluation can help determine if your worry has  moved to anxiety. God wants us to live a worry free life, despite our circumstances. For more help, check out my book, Letting Go of Worry for strategies to be worry free.

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