ID-100169077Rick and Susan were once passionate lovers. Now, they wonder what happened. Can they keep passion alive in their relationship?

For years, researchers believed that romantic love wore off after about 18-36 months, explaining why romantic love burns hot in the beginning of a relationship and then simmers to ember stage. 

However, brain scans now reveal that romance can last past that initial attraction. In fact, we now believe long-term relationships can have that same passion as new love. Turns out that long-term relationships are less anxious and obsessive for the person in love (sounds like a good thing) and more calm and attached. When couples keep the emotional bond strong, their sex lives stay lively as well. And adding novelty to your relationship can reignite love.

So all you potatoes get off the couch and sign up for a couple’s cooking or art class. Do something new to stimulate your relationship that breaks from ordinary life. New experiences stimulate dopamine in the brain and that brings feelings of romance.

This Valentine’s Day, forget the traditional candy and flowers and go on a picnic, get massages, or take a drive to a favorite romantic spot. Create a memory that strengthens the couple bond by doing something new to bring passion to your relationship. Romantic love doesn’t have to fade over time. It just needs a few shots of novelty once in awhile!

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