ID-10056374What if eating strawberries, cucumbers and other produce could prevent an Alzheimer’s patient from memory loss?

There may be new evidence for this based on mice studies. These findings have not been replicated on Alzheimer patients yet, but the mice may tell us something that will direct our research.

Here is what researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California found. A plant-based compound called flavonoids contains something called fisetin.

Fisetin may reduce memory-related brain inflammation in Alzheimer’s disease. At least, that’s what the festin fed mice told us in a study. The mice, that were bred with Alzheimer like symptoms were daily fed fisetin, the equivalent of about 37 strawberries. The fisetin reduced levels of a molecule (p25) associated with nerve damage and brain inflammation. It had no effect on brain plague. But it did improve memory.

Now, if you are thinking of running to your local nutrition store to find fisetin, you won’t find a commercial version of the supplement with pure fisetin in it. For now, load up on the strawberries and other produce. It can’t hurt and it might even help.

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