snsTWEET: You didn’t follow through on your promise today#madatyouagain

TWEET: How about the way you responded #outofcontrol

TWEET: No way. Call me @JohnSmith. I’m over Tim!

TWEET: #overreacting. #outofcontrol and trying to blame me. I guess I eat out tonight!

TWEET: Seriously, no dinner with me is right! Checking my options @JohnSmith

What would be your guess as to the relationship health of this couple? Good, problematic, headed for trouble?

If you said problematic or headed for trouble, you are right!

In fact, one researcher, Russell Clayton, discovered that active Twitter use leads to greater amounts of Twitter-related conflict among romantic partners. In other words, couples may find themselves fighting over those tweets and creating conflict that leads to a break up or infidelity.

Twitter, a social networking site (SNS), can have a damaging effect on romantic relationships. Those 140 character tweets can create jealously, flirting, distrust and strong emotions. Just add the hashtag (#) or @replies and you’ve got a public conversation that should have remained private. This gives new meaning to airing your laundry in public!

Like other SNSs, it’s a good idea to keep your private life private. Don’t use SNS to stir up jealousy or engage in betrayal. If you are having problems in your relationship over the use of Twitter, stop using it and start talking to your partner in person.

#DoneWithTwitter until we can work out a plan!


Good idea @drlindahelps!



Source: ClaytonRussell B.. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. -Not available-, ahead of print. doi:10.1089/cyber.2013.0570.

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