For days, I have been listening to all the chatter about Justin Bieber and his alleged return to God. All the buzz was about his bath tub baptism by NYC’s Hillsong pastor, Carl Lentz. Yes, Bieber has a faith background.

As of late, however, he’s followed the path of most young celebrity stars–partying, insensitivity, entitlement, substance use and out of control behavior. As a result, his image has suffered.

Bieber claims he is seeking the path of forgiveness and reconciliation with God. Supporters sees this as a much needed move. However, most public opinion errs on the skeptical side. The question being asked is, “Why should we see this as anything but a publicity stunt, anything more than an attempt to win back moms of teen girls?”

In reality, none of us truly knows Justin’s heart. Only God and Justin know the sincerity of this move. So we can all stop speculating and watch for the fruit. True repentance brings a change in behavior and attitude. If a heart change is made, we will see the results. Jesus said good fruit can’t come from a bad tree and bad fruit doesn’t come from a good tree. So the proof will be in the fruit we see.

In the meantime, I want to simply encourage him. Turning to Jesus can only help. Jesus is a better influence than most of his recent “friends.” And if Justin is reading the Word as reported and looking to God to help direct his life, I applaud him.Truth sets people free. Jesus has the power to transform any life surrendered to Him.

Now, will he stay in this place of repentance? And will his temporary intentions be made real? Only time will tell. He’s in a tough business when it comes to staying clean and rising above the moral decay.

In the meantime, let’s all reserve judgment and pray for this young man. Wouldn’t it be great if he beat the odds and stood strong in his faith? I would love to see his story end differently than most of the young stars in his business. And that will take a lot of Jesus!

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