family teensWe are one week in to our New Year Resolutions. If you made family resolutions, it is time to evaluate how you are doing. For those of you losing steam, don’t give up on those areas of family life you know need change. Something prompted you to begin 2015 in a new way. Do not lose sight of that prompting.

Change is a process that involves several stages. Understanding those stages might help evaluate where you are so you can be successful this year.

In order to change, people go from

  1. Not thinking about the problem
  2. to considering the pros and cons
  3. to making small changes
  4. to making change
  5. to incorporating change into their lives
  6. to jumping back on the change wagon if relapse happens

If you’ve made a resolution, you are at least on number 3.

Any small change will lead to the big change you have in mind if you stick with it. Keep going. If you decided to praise your children more, do it two or three times this week. If your goal was to help out around the house, take out the trash or wash a floor. Maybe you wanted to be less critical of your spouse, so make it a point to tell him two or three things you noticed he did well this week. Small changes begin the habit of bigger change.

The key is move beyond intentions and be the change. Keep plugging away at those resolutions and work towards those goals. With God’s help, you can make those resolutions reality and begin 2015 on a positive note.

I’m pulling for you!

Did you make a resolution? If so, how are you doing?

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