When you hear that phrase, what goes through your mind? Take the short quiz here and see how you deal with conflict. Now that you know your primary style, let me ask you a few more questions:

1. How do you feel when you watch or participate in conflict?

2. Are you comfortable with the idea that conflict is a part of life?

3. Do you avoid conflict at all costs?

4. Do you care more about winning than the person involved in the conflict?

5. Do you wish you had better skills?

6, Do you want to handle conflict in a way that is healthy, not problematic?

7. Are you tired of being angry or upset with someone?

8. Is there a difficult person in your life that is driving you nuts?

9. Would you rather cut off a relationship than work though it?

If any of these questions resonate with you, We Need to Talk will be an important tool in helping to make your relationships work.

In We Need to Talk, my hope is you will find yourself readjusting your expectations and becoming more flexible. Most of all, you will learn to approach relationships with the idea that conflict can be managed, tolerated, and handled. Finally, you will become more skillful at knowing how to promote relationship reconciliation and repair the damage we sometimes do to each other. In the end, the words “We need to talk” won’t send chills down your spine or make you want to run for the hills!


Dr. Linda Mintle’s new book, We Need to Talk is now in stores. Learn how to successfully navigate conflict in your relationships.


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