ID-100161678Having an overweight child doesn’t mean he or she will stay that way. That being said, we don’t want our kids to go on diets. We want them to stop gaining weight and grow into the weight they already have.

And while the climbing obesity rates have to do with your child, family, and outside environmental forces, you can become part of the solution.

When you raise a child who is overweight, it’s easy to feel like a bad parent or feel guilty for letting this happen. That kind of guilt isn’t productive. So instead of blaming yourselves, let’s focus our efforts to become informed and then decide what kind of life we want for our children and our families.

As a parent, you can establish an environment that encourages success. There are changes you can make that will make a difference. It’s never too late to instill good eating habits in your children.

In addition, the connection between body, mind, and spirit cannot be ignored. Our faith can empower us to move forward, to be transformed.  As parents we shape our children’s perspective for what they believe and how they esteem themselves and others—we are their earthly foundation.

There’s an old saying, Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. As adults, we know this isn’t true—words pack a powerful punch. Our primary job is to help our children feel loved, accepted, and confident in life. With this nurturing, a healthy body image develops in our children and they learn to find enjoyment and love through channels other than food. Please don’t underestimate the power of your influence. Parents are the biggest motivators—both through their talk and their walk. Talk needs to be backed up by action in our own lives.

Our children are the greatest legacy we have. Their health and well-being are part of the chain that connects us. That being said, the battle of the bulge can be waged successfully as our children grow in confidence and look forward to long, healthy lives. Are you with me?

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