Screen Shot 2014-11-10 at 10.23.43 AMIMG_3142 (1)This is  my dad when he fought in WWII! And on the right is my dad at age 94. He is one of the many veterans who needs to be honored today.

Such sacrifices our veterans made and continue to make to provide us our freedom. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

What can you do to let a veteran know they are appreciated today?  First, remember, this doesn’t have to be a one-time appreciation. Let veterans know throughout the year that their service means so much to our country.

1) Hug a veteran. We just celebrated hug a lawyer day! How about a veteran?  If a hug feels like too much, shake a hand and thank the veteran for their service.

2) Donate to charities that help veterans. Contact the USOBlue Star Families or Operation Gratitude to find ways to help.

3) Volunteer your time in a VA hospital. Click here to see what you can do and where. You can bring smiles and cheer to many lonely veterans by simply visiting and spending time.

4) Support Fisher House, a non-profit “home” that helps military families with lodging during hospitalization at military medical facilities. You can bring toys, homemade goodies and get your children involved in bringing kindness to military families who are receiving medical care.

5) Ask a veteran to share their story. Learn about their lives and sacrifices. Listen to their stories of war and bravery. Most want to talk about some experience they found rewarding or in line with the mission to keep our country free. When we visit my dad at his apartment, he is surrounded by many men and women who served in a number of wars. Their stories are fascinating and they love to share them.

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