ID-10040105We all want to remain on top of our game as along as possible as we age. We’ve heard a lot about doing puzzles and mental activities that require cognitive engagement. But how about some fun ways to keep your mind sharp? A few may even surprise you!

It is Friday night. You are with your spouse and thinking about what to do tonight. What if you put together an evening that was not only fun, but kept your brain active and fighting the aging process.

1) Make a date at the IMAX and see a movie in 3D. I know, sometimes those give me a headache, but here is what a study at the University of London found about 3D movies. They boost cognitive performance. When that monster comes flying into your face, your heart rate increases as does blood flow to the brain. So go for the more stimulating experience.

2) Next, while you are enjoying the terror or beauty of 3D (depends on what you see), order a cup or two of hot cocoa. Researchers at Harvard Medical School found that cocoa’s flavanols assist increased blood flow to the brain as well. Those flavanols are the same found in red wine and tea. This compound helps you do better on cognitive tests.

3) Now head home and enjoy an intimate time with your spouse post movie and cocoa. Researchers at the University of Maryland discovered that sex helps lower stress hormones, and even increased the production of new brain cells and helped memory—at least in rats! Time to verify that study in humans!!

4) Then if you are feeling really great about the evening, plug in the IPOD, go to the Broadway tunes channel and belt out a few show tunes — yes, belting out music lowers stress and actives neurons in the brain.

OK, I’ve planned your evening. Now get out there and be sharp!!!

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