ID-10021766I have to admit, I’m not a fan of No Shave November. I look forward to the month ending in order to see the faces of the men I care about again. But one of my producers had a different take on the No Shave idea and wrote a thoughtful spot for me to record for radio. Thanks Katey Roshetko. You are my guest blogger today!

It’s that time of year again. Where the weather gets colder and the beards get longer. It’s No Shave November! But not all of us have a beard to grow, so here’s something everyone can do. It’s called: No Shame November. Whether we want to admit it or not, we all fall prey to shame in our lives.

Some of you might be ashamed of your body and hate thinking about all that holiday food. Or maybe you’re ashamed of your income and worry that you won’t be able to provide a fun Christmas for your kids. Any of you ashamed of your family? Maybe you’re dreading that awkward family reunion.

Whatever shame you’re carrying in your life, give it to God. Psalm 34:4-5 says, “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed.”

Every day, think of one thing in your life you’re ashamed of and actively give that to God. If we practice “No Shame November” now, it won’t be long before we’re experiencing no shame for life.

Are you ready for the challenge? What is one thing each day you can take to Jesus and realize, He took your shame on the cross and you no longer have to carry it around. Leave it there, at the foot of the cross, and walk with your head held high. When you are one of His, there is no shame, only forgiveness and grace! And No Shame November continues into all the months of the year! Now that’s a movement I can get behind!

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