IMG_4262 (1)I love this time of year. My mom’s Hummel Nativity scene greets you when you walk in the door.  The house is lit up with lights, candles glow in the evenings, and the fireplace warms the house as we enjoy the beauty of the tree. But the manager scene is front and center as a reminder of the true meaning of Christmas. It is the reason we are joyous.

But not everyone is feeling that joy. Maybe you have difficult family issues, an impending divorce, addiction, mental illness or are grieving the loss of a loved one. Whatever it is, turn to the One who knows your griefs and sorrows. He promises to be with you through the pain, trial and difficulty. He is Emmanuel, God with us. Recognize His presence in this difficult time.

I lost my mother a week before Christmas a few years ago. Joy was mixed with sadness and loss. It is OK to grieve. Jesus did at the loss of Lazarus. But Jesus  knew that His mission was to conquer death and give us hope for the future.

No matter what we face this holiday season, Jesus is our hope. Our hope for a better day, for new life, for reuniting with loved ones, and for a day when there will be no more tears or disease. He is our joy! Joy to the world. Our Lord has come!

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