ID-10041393Have you ever faced a difficult time, rejection, or  possible failure? Maybe you have received bad news from a doctor, are facing a decision point in your career, or are in a difficult relationship  Your confidence is shaken. Things look dark, uncertain. You feel like you might crumbled under the pressure.

In chapter 2 of the book of Daniel, this is what Daniel faced.

Daniel  was about to be killed with all the wise men of Babylon because no one could could interpret King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. Fear ran high. Daniel’s future uncertain. So what did Daniel do?

He didn’t do what so many of us do-panic, isolate, become anxious or rely on our own strength.

Instead, he asked the king to give him time. Then went home and told his friends to pray. Daniel and his friends cried out to God, but with a peace, knowing that God is sovereign and knows the future. Daniel asked God what to do. I don’t know about you, but I tend to act first and then pray!

God gave Daniel the interpretation of the dream. Daniels responded to God with this reaffirmation:

And He [God} changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings, He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. He reveals deep and secret things. He knows what is in the darkness, And light dwells with Him. 

Now, the interpretation to the dream was not good news for the King, The King was about to hear how his kingdom would be destroyed. Knowing this, would Daniel have the confidence to go to the king and tell him this bad news? Daniel faced a crisis of confidence.

Again, Daniel goes into the uncertainty with the confidence that God is in control. He remembers the faithfulness of God and what God has done in the past. He believes that no matter how difficult the situation, God won’t let him down. God is with him.

If you are sitting in darkness and uncertainty, remember who God is and His faithfulness to you. He loves and cherishes you and has not abandoned you despite grave circumstances. Our Lord sees in the darkness. He reigns over your circumstances and continues to love you. We don’t face difficulty on our own. God is with us, in us and goes before us. This is how our confidence is not shaken. Our confidence is in God!



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