ID-100210096How do you create a life worth living? Taking care of your body is a first step, but what about mind, soul and spirit care?

Our Minds: Renew them daily and stay positive. Scripture has much to say about how we think. We are told to daily renew our minds because it is easy for our thoughts to go negative or wander to unhealthy places. Living in our stressful, face-paced culture creates feelings of anxiety. All you have to do is turn on the news! Thus we are told to think on things that are good, lovely, praiseworthy, noble, true, to take each thought captive and to focus on the blessings of the Lord.

Furthermore, we are instructed to be anxious about nothing and trust God to direct our paths. When we fully embrace who God is and what He has in mind for us, we can relax and know that he is in control of our lives. This assurance is at the root of true rest and peace. It doesn’t mean we won’t have problems, but rather that when we do, there is someone ever present, ready to meet our needs.

Our Emotions: Learn to manage and tolerate them. Don’t lead with them. Our emotions should not be used to reason. We do have the power to pause and act rationally. Being emotional is good when we are able to manage our emotions and tolerate stress. Our emotions are under our control. Figure out what triggers your outbursts and be on guard to manage those feelings when they come. Take a deep breath, a time-out, distract yourself or do whatever it takes to lead with your mind, not your feelings.

Our Relationships: Remember, you can’t control others but you can control your response to others. This bit of wisdom will save you years of grief and therapy. Bottom line, stop trying to change others and focus on your reactions to others. You have control over your reactions to people who make you crazy or are difficult. The mistake we make is focusing on what others do to us and how unfair we are treated. This just leads to grief and stress. Therefore to enjoy our lives, continuously focus on your reaction to others. Is it Christ like? If so, you can rest your head on that pillow each night and sleep no matter how others behave.

Our Spirit: Stay intimate with God and allow Him to complete you. Effective living requires us to be tuned in to God, accept His love and grace and know we are His. In Him, is where we find our identity and walk out our lives in the confidence of knowing we are loved, validated and accepted. No need to find completion in others when our eyes are fixed on our true lover. Love God and you will love your life. Why? Because His love changes us and gives us hope for any circumstance.

Our culture is desperate to find ways to love and enjoy life. People turn to money, fame, pleasure and all sorts of spiritual paths that promise rest but don’t deliver. We have what we need because we have Jesus. Embrace Him, take care of your body, renew your mind, control your emotions, stay healthy in your relationships and you will have a life worth living.

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