
What are the words of your mouth following this election?

Psalm 19:14 May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Maybe we should all pause and mediate on this verse.

I went on national TV yesterday to discuss how we should conduct ourselves after the election. Frankly, I have been appalled at some of the rhetoric I hear and what I have see in the media and on social media. The way we talk about this election is important because it expresses what is in our hearts.

1 Peter 2: 12 tells us, Keep your conduct honorable. Honorable conduct includes the words we say. Those words should not include name-calling, gloating, elitism, fear-mongering, hate and disgust. Instead, we are to guard our hearts and mouths because words are powerful as we saw during the election cycle. Let’s not be guilty of behaving in ways we found disturbing. 

Now is the time to model love, humility and civility towards one another–whether you liked or hated the outcome of this election. Haven’t we had enough verbal attacks and negative messaging? We, the people, can behave differently. If we want to be great again, let’s start by controlling our tongues and actually treat each other with respect.



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