people-1013546_1920Trouble comes and we often feel alone, even abandoned. Because of a crisis, we may feel as if there is no one who can understand us or help us through a painful time. And if we grew up in a family in which feelings of abandonment are easily triggered, we can become depressed and anxious. Emotionally, we can feel orphaned. Who is there to help or comfort us?

If you feel that sense of abandonment, you never have to be alone. When you accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior, He indwells you through His Holy Spirit.

Consider this, when Jesus walked the earth with His disciples, they were sad that He would soon leave them. They couldn’t imagine life without His physical presence. But Christ told them what would happen. He would leave them in order for the Holy Spirit to come. His Spirit would always be with them. Their access to God would be even better: immediate and constant (John 14).

When trouble comes into our life, the enemy of our soul tries to discourage us by telling us we are all alone; there is no one who cares or who can help us through this time. Fear grips our heart and anxiety is born. But Jesus wants us to remember that this is a lie. He is always with us and promises to be our peace, our anchor in the time of storm.

So when we face opposition, hatred, persecution, or suffering and we have no peace, remember that God indwells you and promises His peace in the midst of the storm. The disciples learned this when they were in a boat with Jesus on the Sea of Galilee. A hurricane-like storm was tossing their boat to the point that they were frightened for their lives. Jesus was in the boat, but asleep. In a state of panic, they awakened Christ. Did they not think Jesus knew what was happening?

Jesus rebuked the wind and said, “Peace, be still.” His presence and command over all things including the wind brought peace to that boat and to the disciples.

The lesson: Jesus is always aware of our circumstances and our struggles. We have an advocate and counselor who reminds us that he abides in us and brings peace to our personal storms. His continual presence means that we are never alone.

John 14:26 – But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. 



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