chaos-485493_1920Does the title, Help For The Holiday Disorganized, sound like a mental health disorder? It’s not, but if you are one of those people who gets overwhelmed by the holidays, then getting organized could do wonders for your bah hum bug mood and mental health!

Nothing makes us more stressed than forgetting that important gift, realizing you have two events on the same night and paying huge fees because you forgot to book out holiday travel. And how about not checking those lights for the tree ahead of time. Sometimes, my husband makes 4 or 5 trips to the store for replacements. When you have a lot going on, disorganization can raise your blood pressure! When you are disorganized, last minute details and lack of good logistics to get things done can ramp up the stress and steal our joy.

Organization and a plan of attack can work wonders to make the season merry and bright. Rather than react to the moment, get have a plan. and make that plan detailed enough to be helpful.

I found this incredible website called Organize Christmas! I just love the name! It made me click on it. Think of this like a holiday coach. The website is filled with ways to get you organized as far back as Labor Day. I know, we are way past that date but you can still benefit from many of their ideas. They help you break down seasonal chores into weekly assignments. There are planners, countdowns, ways to simplify, de-clutter and clean up. It’s genius.

The idea here is to approach this month with an organized plan rather than allowing yourself to be overwhelmed by all there is to get done. Disorganization gets in the way of getting things done. A To Do list that is reasonable and breaks down the tasks into doable assignments is going to destress you and allow you enjoy the season. So no more disorganized living! Get your plan, follow through and then relax!

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