This is post 232 in my series on the Law of Attraction in Action. You CAN use your power to manifest your desires.. I do it every day! Read all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series to see how.

Years ago I owned a summer recreational program for kids. Most of our activities were outdoors. Of course I knew there would be rainy days and made provisions for them. But, we had trips on Wednesday and having rain would mess that up. To be honest, I’d never heard of the Law of Attraction back then. But I cared about the kids in my care and didn’t want them to miss a special outing since most were so booked that they didn’t allow us to reschedule. So I kept affirming that it had to stay dry on the day of each trip and it never rained.

I didn’t know how or why it worked, but I knew it did. Every time we had an outdoor trip I declared that it would stay dry for my kids, no matter what the weatherman said. I remember one summer we had a new bus driver. On trip day the sky was black and the weatherman forecast thunderstorms all day. I overheard the new guy complaining to Joe, who’d been with me for several years:

“Is Daylle nuts? We’re going to an outdoor preserve with many trees and there will be rain and lightening when we get there. Why is she making us drive the kids there for nothing?” I laughed when I heard Joe’s reply: “I don’t know how Daylle does it but if she says it won’t rain, it won’t rain.” It did rain in many places, but not where we were. When I got home, nobody believed me that we didn’t have a drop. Over the years my strong use of The Law of Attraction for having the weather I needed got super effective.

I’ve learned that it’s easier to get the weather you really need rather than just having it not rain because you’re not in the mood for rain. When you have a good reason for diverting bad weather your vibration reflects that need and is stronger. I only use the power when it’s important to me. For example, every year my friend has a big barbecue at the beach. And the forecast is often for rain. I always assure her it won’t rain when I’m there since I love her barbecues and don’t want to get wet.

Sometimes we get calls from people who are less than a mile away saying it’s a shame the party was cancelled and they’re shocked to hear it’s not and we’re dry. Yet it’s pouring by them. People who come to the party every year have offered me money to come to their outdoor parties to keep the rain away. I explain that I don’t care if it rains for them and they must do it for themselves. One day the friend who has the barbecues called and asked me to keep the rain away as she had tickets to a Yankee game and it was supposed to rain. I said that I was staying in that day and didn’t care if it rained. After all, we do need it sometimes and for me that was a good day.

But, I explained, she could do it herself by affirming with all the emotion behind her desire to have no rain: “It HAS TO stay dry at the game because I want to enjoy it.” She thanked me that night because the rain stayed away from Yankee Stadium, though it rained all around it. Sometimes when a snowstorm is heading towards NY and it takes a sudden turn away that weathermen can’t figure out, people who know about me and the weather ask if I had an event that day. Sometimes I did! I don’t get storms on days that matter to me, no matter what the weatherman says.

If you want to change a weather forecast that sounds bad, here are some tips:

•    Make sure it’s something that matters to you and you have a good reason for needing better weather than is predicted. The stronger the reason, the stronger the vibration you can create.
•    When you hear the weather forecast, put the emotion behind your desire into shouting, “No way will it not be dry!” or “I don’t care what the weatherman says, I’ll have the weather I need!”
•    KNOW that you really need the better weather and keep affirming that you HAVE TO have it.”
•    KNOW that you’ll have it. Once you see that this works, it’s easier to know you can attract the weather you need.

Something that I also do when I see a storm on the 7-day forecast on a day I have something important is to wave my hand at it to almost make it come earlier or start after the time  need dry weather. I have to go out of town for the day in two days. They’ve been showing stormy weather for the whole day for a while now. Every time I see it I should “No way!” and wave at the weather map for the storm to back up since I don’t want to get stuck getting home.

This morning they revised the forecast. The storm will arrive earlier and pull out around dawn the morning I’m traveling. . I just look up and say “Thank you! People are surprised. I’m not. I’ve honed my connection to the Law of Attraction for getting the weather I need that I truly expect what I need with total faith. I’ve had enough times of success that I know it works when I believe it with all my heart and want it for a good reason. You can do this too! We all have the power to get the Law of Attraction on our side!

See all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series HERE.

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