Le scélérat a ses vertus, comme l’honnête homme a ses faiblesses.

The villain has his virtues, like the honest man has his weaknesses.

Pierre Choderlos de Laclos

The first ever online conference among available Mont Order participants has been organized, and is likely to be broadcast by live stream Saturday.

Ahead of this potential meeting, the live stream video is embedded below for all to watch as it occurs.


On this occasion, the conference will be hosted by me over Google Hangouts as a live hangout. For the record, I will say that I’m not under any illusions about this little electronic meeting. Although I have found that our participants have a lot of influence, we only have a handful of attendees and we are based all around the world. Due to inhospitably different time zones, getting everyone to tune in to a global conference from all across the globe can be challenging.

Nevertheless, I feel that if just a few of us can speak together, it should still be invaluable to the club and to any observers wanting to know more about the Order. I intend to report in more depth on the content later, when there is material to work with. However, for now I will say that the best use of the conference will be to make requests for deeper collaboration and to ask the other attendees about their work, as well as to raise some controversial topics for discussion. This, I am sure, can be achieved within the allocated 90 minutes on Saturday. I don’t want to rule the conference, because such a practice would only make it boring, so I will give as much time and space as possible for others to express themselves and promote their causes. The topics I’m going to raise in the 90 minutes or so of the conference will be as follows:

  • Transhumanism
  • Antistatism
  • World events
  • Movements
  • Collaboration, and possible greater collaboration in future, between Mont Order associates
  • Alternative media
  • The Zero State
  • The Venus Project
  • The Mont Order club

I hope for you to tune in to this conference as it goes live at 14:00 GMT (that’s 09:00 EST). I will be taking notes for the duration of the conference and hope to produce a report and transcript of the conference when possible. I hope for it to be the beginning of long future discussions among the Order in the future and I hope this will be the beginning of a bright period of collaboration between us.

I feel that our job as a group should be to ridicule nation-states and inspire alternative communities. I don’t feel that we live in free societies, and this presents a lot to talk about. One idea I had is that we should criticize not our own governments but one another’s governments, which makes an international group of dissidents much more effective than a single individual criticizing his own government. In such instances where one might have been afraid to say or do something that would criticize his own government, I feel that such a person should instead appoint another person in another country to make the statements as their own. In this practical regard, the Mont Order could prove very useful as a dissident group, if only it were larger in scope.

In the long term, I would prefer to see the Mont Order bringing hundreds of people from the blogosphere together with digital movements, activists and media entities to make a significant impact on world opinion and geopolitics, all under the same subculture of global resistance and rebirth of civilization.

By Harry J. Bentham

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