Tara-WoodsyI’d like to let you know about a special opportunity with my charma friend Tara Brach who is one of the more authentic and beloved mindfulness teachers. She is author of the bestsellers Radical Acceptance and more recently, True Refuge. Please read about this special program below.

It’s often challenging to remain open and trusting when relationships get tough.

Sometimes it can be much easier to walk away in hurt and judgment. And that’s because our own insecurity can become toxic, lead to defensiveness, and cause us to shut down.

Mindfulness can help us get beyond this, to bring intimacy back into romantic relationships, closeness back into friendships, friendliness back into families, and love back into our hearts.

That’s why I’m so excited to let you know about a special new program from my friends at NICABM, featuring beloved and world-renowned mindfulness teacher Tara Brach, PhD.

They’ve joined together to bring you this rare (and unique) opportunity to explore deeply the power of mindfulness to transform relationships and strengthen connections.

Just click here to take a look now.

During this exciting, and unique program, Tara will share with you the wisdom that so many have benefited from. She will be your guide on a journey toward empowering clients to ease away from self-criticism, transform negativity, and open their hearts to more compassion and love.

And this is so much more than just a program. It’s a life-changing experience, focused on giving you the mindfulness skills that can help clients truly radically change their relationships, and even their lives.

Here’s the link again where you can find out more.

I really hope you’ll check it out – it could be the key to transforming your relationships.



Lotus flowers in garden under sunlight.

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