beliefnet astrology aries matthew currie

 (This is a part of the “Astrology Of Love And Compatibility” series)

AKA:The Ram, First Sign Of The Zodiac, That Guy Who Cut In Front Of You At The DMV Lineup

Ruling Planet: Mars, named after the God of War. This might imply that Aries likes fighting, which is not the case at all. They’d rather skip to the “winning” part because that would be a lot easier.

Identifying Features: Generally capable and tends to get annoyed easily, but also gets over it fairly quickly. Has a gift for messing things up single-handedly, but is usually good at fixing things single-handedly too.

How many Aries does it take to change a light bulb? One, but why are you wasting their time with stuff like changing light bulbs? Aries has things to do! Outta the way!

Reputation: Tends to be accused of bursting into and out of relationships at the drop of a hat, without too much forethought, and without a whole lot of preparation.

The Truth: Aries is actually kind of sweet… a bit like a child who can’t wait for ice cream and is grumpy about it but still manages to be cute while fidgeting. Children usually learn patience in time, but an Aries is more likely to learn to distract themselves with other things to be impatient with rather than simply sitting there and calmly waiting. Patience is for chumps!

How to get an Aries’ attention:  Let them know you’re interested… then provide a challenge. Sure, you’d like to be with them, but maybe your schedule is keeping it from happening. Or maybe you might imply that they aren’t up to it, because it would be too hard for them to fit into their hectic schedule. Don’t be too hard to get… but be hard enough.

What’s To Love? Playful, straightforward, enthusiastic, and bold.

What’s Not To Love? Aries can have trouble being focused and staying on task, and romantically they have a tendency to flare up fast and then burn out.

What Aries needs to let those who love them know: Life without enthusiasm sucks. That energetic attitude is what Aries brings to the table, and if you get on board with it, the two of you can really go places.

What you need to know if you love an Aries: Patience is a virtue, and you’ll probably be the one expected to supply most of it. Aries may have a strong independent streak, but they benefit from wise counsel and outside opinions more than they may realize.



Fire Signs: (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) This is generally considered to be an excellent match, but all that fire can often end up fueling a rocket sled to nowhere in particular if you don’t establish common goals.

Earth Signs: (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) You may have very different natures, but sometimes Aries can find that challenge stimulating…and sometimes Aries needs the grounding that Earth provides.

Air Signs: (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) Usually make a good match for Aries, and gives them the exchange of ideas they often enjoy. It may take some work to keep you both on the same page, though.

Water Signs: (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) Often considered to be a “bad match” for Aries because they’re “too sensitive,” but the truth is that Aries people are pretty sensitive themselves. If the emotional communication is there, it can work wonderfully.

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