beliefnet astrology matthew currie leo(This is a part of the “Astrology Of Love And Compatibility” series)

AKA: The Lion, King Of The Jungle, Mr. Entertainment After Five Drinks At The Office Christmas Party

Ruling Planet: The Sun, which shines all day long and doesn’t care that it’s causing you heat stroke because it’s doing its thing, baby!

Identifying Features: Fun-loving, playful, and generally loveable in a child-like way. Also: child-like in an incredibly annoying way sometimes.

How Many Leos Does It Take To Change A Lightbulb? Just one. Leo is on that job ASAP because Leo needs good lighting. Also may require a publicist to take pictures of just how awesomely they changed that lightbulb.

Reputation:  Leos get accused of being overly-dramatic. It’s not their fault though that life is inherently dramatic, or that they are so good at creating their own drama when the script life provides them with gets a little dull.

The Truth: Leos are generally entertaining and a source of (usually intentional) amusement for everyone around them. Like the Sun which rules their Sign, when they shine, there’s no ignoring it. If there were only Leos in the world, nothing might get done, but everyone would have fun not doing it. They may not actually be obsessed with their hair, but tell one he or she is having a “bad hair day” and you might ruin their entire week.

How To Get A Leo’s Attention:  Think of yourself as the accessory that pulls their entire look together, figuratively speaking. Be shiny and unique and complement how they view life… and don’t skimp on the compliments, while you’re at it. “Flattery will get you everywhere” –Mae West, a Leo.

What’s To Love? There’s absolutely no doubt about when a Leo loves you: they broadcast it and light up your life. They’re usually pretty loyal and thoughtful mates, and understand that “entertainment value,” in whatever form it takes, really is valuable.

What’s Not To Love? When a Leo mopes (probably because of a bruised Ego, whether said bruising was deliberate or not), they can suck the life out of a room the way a black hole sucks in planets that get too close to it: permanently, and without even trying.

What Leo need to let those who love them know: You take things very, very seriously… especially matters of the heart. It may not always look like that, but that’s only because being a little goofy about things can sometimes be a great defense mechanism… and Love like yours is something that should be defended. 

What you need to know if you love a Leo: These people are really sincere about what they’re feeling. They’re terrible when upset, but that will pass. No matter how twisty an adult mind can be, at heart they are still pretty child-like… and that’s usually a good thing. Be kind and accepting and the rest will likely take care of itself.

Fire Signs: (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) This is the ideal relationship, provided you live in a world where someone else takes care of all the details and cleaning up afterwards. Otherwise, literally or figuratively, it could be a big loud mess.

Earth Signs: (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) Normally Leo comes across as a little untamed by Earth Sign standards, but if you can find stable common ground where you can work things out, results can be excellent.

Air Signs: (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) Generally you’ll get along pretty well, provided you are able to manage to arrange for a more solid and practical base and set of ground rules than either of you might naturally provide for yourselves.

Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) You’re both highly emotional and sensitive creatures in your own separate ways, and provided you don’t blow up at each other too often because of it, this could work out wonderfully.


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