(This is a part of the “Astrology Of Love And Compatibility” series)
AKA: The Bull, The Steady One, That Guy At The Buffet Line Taking All The Mashed Potatoes
Ruling Planet: Venus, named for the ancient Goddess of Love and Luxury and Shiny Overpriced Accessories
Identifying Features: A gentle nature unless repeatedly provoked; then, a force of nature that tramples everything in sight
How many Tauruses does it take to change a lightbulb? If you hadn’t bought the cheap lightbulb in the first place, it would still be working, so don’t ask Taurus to change it.
Reputation: Loves to be loved and to be in love, but can be notoriously hard to move, change their mind, or commit. Has a particular fondness for eating, especially anything fried, fatty or otherwise not considered “health food.”
The Truth: Tauruses are usually really kind, sweet, nurturing and decent folks… even when they stubbornly cling to their own way of doing things and thier own schedule. In the early days of the Internet, Taurus was shown to be the most common Sun Sign to be a “first adopter”… probably not out of a love of communication so much as a love of having the world delivered to their living room.
How to get a Taurean’s Attention: Let your Taurus know that you understand and appreciate the finer things in life, the small comforts, and the value of relaxation. And don’t be cheap with them!
What’s To Love? When a Taurus loves you, there’s no mistaking it — they are generous and open-hearted to a fault.
What’s Not To Love? Have you ever tried arguing with a bull, steering one around, talking a bull out of its temper, or changing a bull’s mind about anything? Yeah, how’d that work out for you?
What Taurus needs to let those who love them know: Taurus has a lot to offer, and that’s something one does not invest cheaply or unwisely. With great Love comes great responsibility, and sometimes great maintenance costs.
What you need to know if you love a Taurus: These are gentle creatures at heart, and gentle creatures of all kinds respond a lot better to the carrot than to the stick. And honestly, they don’t mean to be as difficult to persuade or dissuade as they are sometimes.
Fire Signs: (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) A Taurus loves the excitement that the Fire Signs bring into their lives… but too much of that excitement can disturb the Taurus requirement to have a tranquil base.
Earth Signs: (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) The Earth Signs naturally understand the taurus need for stability, but it can be a fine line between stability and stagnation. With regular maintenance, it can work beautifully.
Air Signs: (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) You might think Earth and Air have little in common… but Taurus is an imaginative creature, and if you furnish a life for them with your words and ideas, they just might decide to move in.
Water Signs: (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) This a pretty good combination of sensitivities, provided the communication is in place. Water Signs may perceive the occasional Taurean urge to butt heads as a little too hurtful at times.
Want to know how to work with the current and future energy to get maximum benefit? Feel free to write me about it!