beliefnet astrology aquarius matthew currie(This is a part of the “Astrology Of Love And Compatibility” series)

AKA: The Water Bearer — the guy who brought his own jug because bottled water these days is just too expensive.

Ruling Planet: Uranus. Go ahead, pronounce it any way you want and it still won’t sound right.

Identifying Features: Strangely appealing, strangely charming, strangely above the crowd while trying to be part of it, but mostly just “strange.”

How Many Aquariuses Does It Take To Change A Lightbulb? If everyone would just stay true to their Inner Light, these questions would never have to arise.

Reputation: Leos may be Lions, but Aquarius is more cat-like in some ways: never where you expect them to be, nearly impossible to train, and detached but then suddenly fascinated all day long with that ball of tinfoil.

The Truth: An Aquarius is usually optimistic and good when things start to change, mostly because they weren’t terribly in synch with how things were in the first place.

How To Get A Aquarian’s Attention: If you suddenly woke up and found you were in the middle of acting in a play you’d never heard of before, you’d have to rely strongly on your intuition and ability to improvise. Treat your Aquarius like that’s what’s happened and you’re bound to stand out to them. Mostly, be a friend.

What’s To Love? Remember back in the 60s when people talked about “The Age Of Aquarius,” when everyone would be sharing and caring  and decent and ultimately recognize everyone else’s inherent worth and humanity? The good side of Aquarius is like that.

What’s Not To Love? Also: back in the 60s, everything got chaotic and weird and all the old things that seemed to work got challenged, fell apart, or suddenly became unworkable? Yeah, Aquarius is like that too.

What Aquarius needs to let those who love them know: Ultimately, everything works together for A Greater Good. Be strong, be fair, and be open to new possibilities and you can come along for the ride… and it’s going to be a great ride.

What you need to know if you love an Aquarius: These folks are full of noble ideals and carry a spark of brilliance with them, but you’ll likely go nuts if you try to confine them to any box… even one that’s labeled “noble ideals and brilliance.” Roll with the oddities and you’ll get along just fine.

Fire Signs: (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) Fire Signs love the intellectual challenge that Aquarius provides, and that sort of thing can always keep a relationship fresh. As for stability? You may have to work on that.

Earth Signs: (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) Aquarius can certainly provide the lift an Earth Sign sometimes needs, but the seemingly scattered Aquarian energy with drive an earth Signs nuts a lot of the time.

Air Signs: (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) The flighty and fun-loving nature of two Air Signs together sounds like a natural fit, and it is — but you might end up clashing over who gets to be “the responsible one.”

Water Signs: (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) Aquarius is caring, but may have a hard time connecting on an emotional level the way Water Signs often need. One of you may likely feel chronically misunderstood.


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