beliefnet astrology matthew currie sagittarius

(This is a part of the “Astrology Of Love And Compatibility” series)

AKA: The Centaur, The Archer, The Hind End Of The Horse

Ruling Planet: Jupiter, the biggest gasbag going around the Sun.

Identifying Features: Optimistic, philosophical, and so much more. Just ask any Sagittarius and they’ll tell you about it. In detail. At great length. With plenty of illustrative anecdotes. Come to think of it, you’d better not ask.

How Many Sagittariuses Does It Take To Change A Lightbulb? Just one, and I’ll get to it in a minute… but first, did I ever tell you the story about how the light bulb was invented?  You see, Thomas Edison wasn’t actually the first. The story goes all the way back to 1800 when Sir Humphry Davie…I knew a guy named Humphry once– old drinking buddy of mine. Boy, and was his wife ever a — wait, what was I talking about? Right, lightbulbs…

Reputation: Sagittarius tends to be thought of as a “love ’em and leave ’em” type, prone to starting up wild and memorable romances and then wandering off. They don’t mean to be that way, and it’s all in good fun, so why you gotta be a drag about it? It was just an office party and everyone was flirting anyway. Hey, put the gun down! You know, firearms have a long and interesting history…

The Truth: They tend to be clumsy sometimes — with both power tools and people’s feelings. They didn’t intend to slice your end table in half, and they didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. Just accept that and try to laugh it off. Try really hard.

How To Get A Sagittarian’s Attention:  Even the ones who aren’t into sports have a mentality well suited to games and friendly competition. Listen to their ideas. If you agree, say so. But if you don’t, do not be afraid to start a miniature debate over it. They don’t necessarily want to be challenged, but they love the sport of it.

What’s To Love? Sagittarius embraces life whole-heartedly, and whatever they choose to do, they do with tremendous gusto. If one loves you and you treat them fairly, you’ll be the beneficiary of their love. They know how to have fun, and life with one can be loaded with it.

What’s Not To Love? Sagittarius has an association with horses. It would be better to think of them as dogs though. People love dogs. Dogs are friendly and playful, and when they eventually poop on your rug and run away when someone else lets them sleep on their new couch, it’s not like the dog does it maliciously. Jeez, lighten up.

What Sagittarius needs to let those who love them know: Life is like a game — a game with rules. That doesn’t mean it’s stiff and predictable. That just means there is an attempt to treat all the players even-handedly and equitably. Remember that, and don’t harsh the mellow, okay babe?

What you need to know if you love a Sagittarius: Sagittarius loves to have fun, hates bad news, and ultimately wants you to be as happy as they are. If one does you harm, it’s probably out of an innate clumsiness, or a tendency to blurt out whatever’s on their mind. They’re great thinkers, but not so great at actually thinking things through sometimes. And, again with the dog analogy: get the right one, and they’re really loyal.

Fire Signs: (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) This is a fantastic combination for having a good time, but ultimately one of you will have to be the Designated Driver, literally or figuratively. And no, you shouldn’t decided that by a coin-tossall the time.

Earth Signs: (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) Opposites certainly do attract, and this can be an excellent example of that.But even a Sagittarius who isn’t ungrounded can come across that way a frustrating amount of the time.

Air Signs: (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) You have a lot of excellent ideas and conversations, but to make things work in the long run you’ll need practicality and handwork and a solid foundation, and you may have a hard time finding that together.

Water Signs: (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) Water Signs can be naturally drawn to the energy and enthusiasm for life that Sagittarius brings, but they may also find that the Half Horse Person is simply too wild and untamable.


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