matthew currie astrology capricorn(This is a part of the “Astrology Of Love And Compatibility” series)

AKA:  The Goat, an animal which will eat nearly anything, especially if it’s on sale.

Ruling Planet: Saturn, the chilly and distant planet with a strict managerial grasp of its rings.

Identifying Features: Composed, capable, loyal and hard-working. Exciting? No. Excitement costs extra, and Capricorns know not to shell out for the non-essential extras like “excitement” or “variety.”

How Many Capricorns Does It Take To Change A Lightbulb? One. Just one. What, were you expecting some kind of joke? Get back to work, already.

Reputation: Allegedly hard working but kind of cheap, and a bit stiff. The kind of person who will convince you to pull their finger, then present you with a bill for aromatherapy.

The Truth: Goats (the animal) are genuinely affectionate, amusing, and resourceful. Goats (the Sun Sign) are like that too, they just don’t go around advertising it. They aren’t the least bit dull or stodgy… they just aspire to it.

How To Get A Capricorn’s Attention:  Capricorns like a sense of security because they secretly have some insecurity issues to deal with… often more than their fair share of them. Having a sense of strength with yourself in some form is naturally appealing to a Capricorn. If there is some way you can enhance that, play it up. Show your value. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to automatically open your wallet for them — but that sure doesn’t hurt.

What’s To Love? The fun in life usually comes from The Unexpected. The Unexpected, however, comes in good and bad forms. Having the stable love and affection of someone to share it all with can level out the bad parts, while the good parts remain fun.

What’s Not To Love? A Capricorn is usually determined to take something or other Absolutely Seriously, and that can make them a bit of a drag sometimes. Also, if you don’t take them seriously while they’re being serious about something, you’re likely to get a serious bruising. Seriously.

What Capricorn needs to let those who love them know: Love is all fuzzy and warm and dreamy… and that sort of thing is great, but it’s not the sort of thing that will last if it isn’t supported by a practical framework. If you love someone, it should naturally follow that you’ll behave in a responsible manner towards them — and an important part of that caring should involve working on a solid foundation together.

What you need to know if you love a Capricorn: These are genuinely sweet and caring and thoughtful creatures, but sometimes they aren’t quite as capable as they seem… but that’s what they try to project. You know that saying about how the guy at the top of the mountain didn’t just fall there? The guy at the top of the mountain climbed… but he also needed help getting there, whether he admits it or not. Be that person for your Capricorn, and you’ll be richly rewarded.

Fire Signs: (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) Capricorns love a good time as much as the next guy, but they’re always a bit suspicious that too much of that kind of frivolity will just lead to disaster eventually. That could be a sort of self-fulfilling prophesy in this case.

Earth Signs: (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) These two should be able to find a practical way to make a life together really happen and really work — but once you’ve got that in place, then what?

Air Signs: (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) Capricorn can take Air Sign Dreams and breathe a little practical life into them — but that sense of Air Sign Ungrounded-ness can be maddening to Capricorn — and can take the wind out of an Air Sign’s sails.

Water Signs: (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) Capricorns naturally need and appreciate the sensitivity that a Water Sign brings to the table. But if that Water Sign can’t toughen up and be responsible about things, together the two will just turn into a mudslide.


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