beliefnet astrology matthew currie 12 signs of loveA great deal of what I do as an astrologer involves helping people sort out their love lives. What has gone wrong? Why did everything stop going right? Why don’t I have a love life? Why can’t I decide between this or that? Many an astrologer and counselor and poet have been kept gainfully employed by pondering these matters. And of course, there are many different kinds of love, and of course, if you want Big Love you have to throw all of yourself into it. All of your chart… Even the Signs in your birth chart where you don’t appear to have anything.

My new e-book “Twelve Signs Of Love” is now available, and you can get it by clicking on the link at the bottom of this blog entry and writing me! No matter what “Sign” you are, there is a Love Lesson to be learned from each of the Twelve Signs.

Without the boldness of Aries, how can love even begin? It takes the steadiness of Taurus to camp out on the spot you want and to keep it. If you don’t have the questioning nature of a Gemini, how will your love adapt to the inevitable changes that will happen? If “the past is prologue,” how will you ever learn what you want or don’t want without the emotional memory of Cancer? If you can’t have fun with it like a Leo, what’s the point? And surely, if you don’t have an image of perfection in your mind like Virgo has, how will you find anything even close to perfect?

Libra recognizes the niceties and diplomacy of a relationship, and those things are necessary. Without the depth of feeling Scorpio has, things will always be shallow. If you don’t bring the goal-oriented optimism of Sagittarius to the table, how will you ever reach your goal? If slow and steady wins the race, how will you ever win at love without a touch of Capricorn? Aquarius recognizes that there are things in the Universe bigger than itself, and what would True Love be without that perspective? And Pisces often gets accused of living in a dream world… but without being able to dream of a better reality, “reality” is as good as it gets… and where’s the fun in that?

I’ve distilled those twelve qualities down into twelve True Life Stories, all drawn from my own experiences. There is beauty and pain and joy and terror in these tales, and I hope you enjoy them. And I hope you see a bit of yourself in there somewhere… and a bit of someone you love as well.


Some of these stories appeared in their original form on Yahoo Voices. They got a lot of reaction, and I will admit not all of it was sunshine and light. Frankly: some of the things I found charming and delightful about this Sign or that Sign struck a few members of those Signs as being unfair characterizations. That was certainly not my intent, and to those commentators I can only provide the same answer I’ve had to give at times to loved ones in my own life: I’m sorry.

So: write me at the link below (or if you prefer typing in your e-mail addresses, try and dig into a more personal slice of my life, as both an astrologer and as a human being… and as a man. Yes, I confess to being one of those too. Read these twelve stories straight through, or start with your own sign first, or do as you please. Thank you in advance for your kind attention to my words.

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