kick in the tush club 1:2 logoJump out of bed, open your window, and scream with passion!! “I’m ALIVE!!!!!”  Because how we start our day is an important and yet overlooked part of Permanent Fat Removal.

Truly, if you wake up feeling like c*** …. well, let’s just say not the greatest … how are you going to muster-up enough energy to make the right choices, in food and in the other parts of your life?

Today’s Kick in the Tush focuses on HOW TO WAKE UP the right way, on the right side of bed, all pleased about life and ready to go!!!


You cannot WAKE UP! unless you get the right amount of sleep. So, let’s start with sleep.  How are you going to ‘create’ the best method to get the appropriate amount of sleep?

Suggested Evening Steps.

1. Go to bed at a reasonable hour.

2. Set your internal as well as external alarm for a reasonable wake up time.

3. Turn the TV off.  It is not helpful to add television talk to your dreams or thoughts.

4. Before you drift off into your restful and beautiful sleep state, set your intention for your sleep and waking states.  For instance, “Tonight I will sleep restfully. My dreams will be filled with beautiful imagery that will inspire me. I will remember my dreams. I will wake up well-rested, with a smile on my face and ready to go!”

Morning steps.

1. You are 25 times more open to suggestion as you wake. Pay attention to what thoughts first surface, and if these first thoughts are not helpful, simply turn them around. Repeat your positive thought(s) a few times.  Hold on to those good feelings for a moment or two.

2. See the thought. Imagine carrying this thought with you throughout your day.

3. Now, as you leave the bed … Set a morning ritual.  Perhaps a morning stretch, or the sun salutation, or listening to uplifting music or writing in your journal.

4. Then take a look at your calendar.  See it, experience it as multiple time slots that are overflowing with fabulous opportunities and possibilities.  Explore what’s possible.

5. One more positive thought. An affirmation if you will. “Today is a great day, filled with opportunity and joy!

For more tips on how to wake up happy, join Our Lady of Weight Loss’s Kick in the Tush Club/FB!

Spread the word–NOT the icing,

Janice Taylor, Life & Happiness Coach, Author, Artist, Positarian
wise * fun * utterly useful
For the best life, wellness and weight loss wisdom,
visit Janice:  Our Lady of Weight Loss
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