“God, I come to you broken and ashamed. I am sick with regret and don’t know where else to go. Have mercy on me.

I know that the choice I made to end this pregnancy defied your heart and your law. You create life. We must never presume that it is ours to give, or take away. My own life is a gift from you; I would not want another human to determine my destiny.

And yet in my desperation I made that choice. I took your role and played God. I took a life in my hands. Yes, I panicked and couldn’t see how I would live, let alone raise up a child. That decision has now ruined my life as well.

But I am not alone. Others before me have sunk to this depth. Even heroes in the Bible, people who became saints made terrible things of their lives and yet found your mercy, forgiveness and healing. King David killed a man in cold blood, and yet received your pardon. Paul the Apostle destroyed entire families with violence – he called himself the worst of all sinners. But he came to you and your restored him to life. There is hope for me

You do say, ‘If I confess my sins you are faithful and just to forgive me my sin and cleanse me from all unrighteousness (I John 1:9). I come with this confession seeking pardon. Take this life that I have thrown into hell pit and restore me. I don’t deserve mercy; but I seek it. Cleanse me; wash away the stain of this sin and make something of my life.

I come to you in sorrow but in hope, that you and your words are true. I believe; help my lack of belief. This will take a miracle, but you specialize in miracles, in bringing life back from death. I choose to believe that you have rescued the two lives I have thrown into hell – my child and my own soul. You have taken us both now into your own heart. That is my only hope. I trust you…in Jesus.”

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