The Dark Knight
From the set pieces to Heath Ledger's amazing final performance, everything about The Dark Knight screamed summer blockbuster success. In a series of great films, The Dark Knight is the best. The Dark Knight Rises came close, but ultimately failed to live up to it's lofty goals. The Dark Knight though, it soars.
The Lion King
The Lion King is a top summer blockbuster and one of the highest grossing animated films of all-time. It is a timeless story that will never be forgotten. And why isn't Nala a Disney princess yet??
The Avengers
The Avengers tied together the plots of several summer blockbusters into one giant action film. This movie is what blockbusters are all about - explosions, action, and making tons of money.
Jurassic Park
Not only is Jurassic Park a great summer blockbuster, it's a great book as well! Few book to movies work out so well but Jurassic Park did it with style!
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
Fans rushed out in droves to take in the last of the Harry Potter series. Though dark for a summer blockbuster, it contained enough action to get it done!
Giant robots transforming and blowing each other up - what's not summer blockbuster about that? It's not a great movie, but it did the job!
Toy Story 3
The fun and heartbreaking final Toy Story was a colossal hit in 2013. Everyone had to know how the tales of Woody and his friends ended, and they went out with a bang!
While there are some great films on this list, E.T. is by far the most classic. The movie is still amazing today, much less in 1982 when it wowed fans for the first time.