Why Do Some People Die Before They Are Old?
Scripture Reference: For to me, living is Christ, and dying --well that's better yet! But if I live I can win people to Christ. So I don't know which is better. Should I live or die? Sometimes I want to live, and at other times I don't. For I long to go and be with Christ. How much happier for me than being here (Phillipians 1:21-23).
Answer: Death entered the world when sin came in, ever since the days of Adam and Eve. Everything that is alive in the world will die: plants, animals and people. Death can come through mobile accidents, sickness, old age or happen all of a sudden. But God is in control of our every breath, so we can be joyful because we know that when we die we will be graduating to eternal life in it's fullness with Christ.
Note to Parents: Assure your child that death is not something to fear and just like at the end of every good story they too will live happily ever after with God.