
15 Spiritual Tees to Cool Your Faith

Compiled by Sherry Huang

Now that summer's here, it's a good time to stock up on t-shirts to keep cool and ventilated. Why not wear your faith--literally--on your sleeve? Invest in some quirky, spiritual t-shirts like the one here, "B.F.F. (Best Friends Forever)," showing a Buddhist, a priest, a Hasidic Jew, and an imam leaping together in religious unity and tolerance.

We've collected something for everyone, from the Christian to the Scientologist to the atheist. Some of the designs are irreverent, some might make you laugh. We hope you'll peruse the gallery with an open mind to see which designs spark your imagination or tickle your funny bone.

Click through our gallery of funny spiritual t-shirts.

Like the tee shown above? Buy it here.

Sherry Huang is an associate editor at Beliefnet.

Jesus Is My Homeboy

After designer Van Zan Frater was saved from gang members by uttering the phrase "Jesus is my homeboy," he created this tee to immortalize the moment. Show others who has your back.

Like the tee? Buy it here.

I Have the Body of a God

Who can resist the tongue-in-cheek humor of a jovial, rotund "Fat Buddha" resembling nothing like what (most) people believe well-chiseled gods should look like?

Like the tee? Buy it here.


Riffing on Mac's iPod ads, a Hasidic Jewish man is rocking out on his "chaiPod," the "i" in iPod replaced by the Hebrew symbol chai (prounounced "hi"), which represents life.

Like the tee? Buy it here.

Shiva Is My Om Boy

Show that Shiva, one of six main Hindu deities, is your divine protector or your "Om Boy" (cleverly substituting the sacred syllable "Om" for "home").

Like the tee? Buy it here.


The familiar "Don't Litter" icon is updated for the atheist. This tee shows religious symbols being disposed of, while "lie" stands out within the word "beliefs."

Like the tee? Buy it here.


The iconic blue-and-red Obama "Hope" image seen everywhere during the 2008 presidential campaign is given a religious update with Pope Benedict and the word "Pope."

Like the tee? Buy it here.

Ganesh Om

The Hindu syllable "Om" (or "Aum") is given extra significance when "written" in the shape of the elephant-headed Hindu deity, Ganesh, the lord of success. A perfect tee to wear during your next meditation session.

Like the tee? Buy it here.

Pagan Party

Even though Pagans and Wiccans don't wear pointy hats, here's a tee that pokes fun at stereotypical ideas about witches.

Like the tee? Buy it here.

Obi Wan Kerisst

Join Jesus in using the Force--and his cross lightsaber--to battle the Legions of Darkness. Pay homage to Star Wars and to the Messiah at one fell swoop.

Like this tee? Buy it here.

Scientology: You Had Me at 'Hello'

Here's a shirt that wittily combines Tom Cruise's religion with the famous line Renee Zellweger uttered to show him her love in the movie "Jerry McGuire."

Like the tee? Buy it here.

I've Got This Weird Feeling...

Still searching for Jesus? Well, he has a funny feeling you are, too. A humorous tee for the Christian psychologist in your life.

Like this tee? Buy it here.

Recharge for Ramadan

Running low on spiritual energy? Here's a reminder for Muslims to recharge their soul during Ramadan by fasting and praying.

Like the tee? Buy it here.

Super Jew

The Hebrew symbol for "s" (shin) fills out the familiar Superman logo. Wear this tee to show your faith is as strong as steel.

Like this tee? Buy it here.

Yoga Is for Posers

This brilliant tee offers layered meanings: The imitation of the "Virginia Is for Lovers" theme also reminds yoga imitators to hold that pose...

Like the tee? Buy it here.

W.W.J.D.? Who Wants a Jelly Donut?

The Christian motto "W.W.J.D.? (What Would Jesus Do?)" is given a different twist for donut-loving fans. Pair this tee with a cup of coffee.

Like the tee? Buy it here.

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Are you ready to see what presidents of the past had to say about faith, God and the Bible? Here is your chance to become inspired. Read next feature >
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