2016-07-27 2016-07-27
Do you feel like you just can’t lose weight, no matter how hard you try? Do you feel like you’ve tried everything? Are you on the brink of giving up? I can’t blame you. Losing weight seems really hard, if not impossible. We are all working at it and finding we can’t do it alone. We need each other, and we need God. I recommend you give up. Just give up the problem to God. Surrender, let go of it, and let God take over. As for what and how much to eat, how to be active and have fun, go to my "Joy of Weight Loss" site on Beliefnet, or my book and video by the same name. Let me show you the techniques and tricks of how I lost 150 pounds and am keeping it off. Most importantly, ask for help and let God give you the power to succeed. You can also find others who are trying their best on the Beliefnet Spiritual Weight Loss message board. Post a note and share your progress or pitfalls...others will respond and you’ll feel comforted and healed knowing you’re not alone in the struggle.

- Norris Chumley

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