You know the old phrase "Out of sight, out of mind"? That’s particularly true with overeating. If you don’t have the food around you, in sight, you won’t be as tempted to overeat. This is especially true for binge or trigger foods, because they really can cause you to lose control and get compulsive. If it’s ice cream that makes you wild, don’t buy it; snack foods, don’t have them in the cupboard; too much meat, just get enough for one serving at a time. Consider how advertising works, for a moment. The reason the most successful "four-letter word" cola whose name starts with a "C" is so popular is because its name and logo are everywhere. Think of how many times a day you see this name and logo. Think of how often you’re prompted to drink one of these. That’s why they sell billions of them worldwide. (You know which cola I’m talking about, don’t you?!) Just think about what would happen if that name and logo weren’t displayed everywhere. A lot fewer people would be thinking of it -- or wanting it. You know you want to eat in moderation; deep down you have the desire. Now, with the grace of God, let that desire come to mind, replacing those thoughts of your binge or out-of-control foods.

- Norris Chumley

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