2016-06-03 2016-06-03
How would you feel if you gave someone a gift and they ignored it? Wouldn’t you be disappointed and a bit hurt? God has given us the wonderful gift of angels, but many people completely ignore this gift or think of angels only briefly at Christmas and Easter.

When counting your blessings this Thanksgiving, do not forget to thank God for the angels. They are always with us, always acting on our behalf, even though, most of the time, they are not noticed because they work behind the scenes and are not visible to our human eyes. This is by design, for angels do not bring attention to themselves; instead, they bring glory to God. Truly, they are God’s secret agents.

As you gather around the Thanksgiving table, be aware that God’s angels are also present. These magnificent heavenly beings are always praising God, the highest form of expressing thanks. Let us follow their example and give praise God for every good gift he has given us. Let us remember to give thanks to God specifically for angels. You can follow this Thanksgiving prayer I have written:

Prayer of Thanksgiving for Angels

We praise you, Almighty God, for the heavenly hosts you have created to carry out your will in marvelous ways.
We praise you, Lord, that you created angels to minister to us on earth, a sign of love for us that is beyond our understanding.
We give thanks for guardian angels who protect and deliver us, even though we are often unaware of their presence.
We thank you for all the times angels help us resist temptation, for we need all the help we can get.
We give thanks that angels lead and guide us on the right paths, although their ministry is not always evident to us.
We give thanks that angels inspire us as we lift our hearts in worship.
We give thanks for your gift of angels for their presence is a reminder that our loving God notices and cares for us.
For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.

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