Take a look around you today. Do you ever notice anyone who seems like they are walking through a thick fog every day? They typically have to push themselves out of bed, drink a cup or two of coffee and drag themselves out to a day that doesn’t bring them joy.
By the end of the day they feel depleted and don’t feel like doing much else besides watch TV, play on their cell phone and go to bed to do it all over again the next day. They are usually cranky and not much fun to be around. They aren’t taking risks or reaching for their dreams.
Maybe you are saying that is your life right now. And that is okay unless you want it to be different. Maybe you have known this all along but had no idea how to change it. Have you felt like your mind is always racing, unsure if you are living life to the fullest? Do you constantly feel an inner conflict? Do you feel that you are meant for something bigger? Are you constantly comparing yourself to others?
When people aren’t feeling like they are living life to the fullest, it usually appears in fatigue, anxiety, jealousy and/or depression.
Maybe you or someone you know is questioning her career, relationship, location, or even hair cut. She may be feeling stuck thinking about who she is and what might need to change. Is it time for her or you to take a leap and live differently? Here are a few simple steps to take toward a leap so it doesn’t feel so big and scary.